Researchers and Staffs


Professor Dr. Rijan Bhakta Kayastha

Head of Department - Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, School of Science, Kathmandu University

Coordinator - Himalayan Cryosphere, Climate and Disaster Research Center

Education:  D.Sc. Nagyoa University, Japan (Mar 2001, Glaciology; Hydrology, Meteorology)

    M.Sc. Nagoya University, Japan (Mar 1994, Glaciology; Hydrology, Meteorology)   

Current Research:  Assessment of hydrological response and glacier hazard of glacierized river basins of Nepalese Himalaya and Impact on hydropower generation due to glacier variation Cryospheric hazards

Interest: Glacier mass balance, impacts of climate change to cryosphere, glacier variation,  glacio-hydrological models, interaction of snow and glacier hydrology of mountain region, water and climate induced disaster risk reduction 

Dr. Mohan Bahadur Chand

Assistant Professor

Education: Post. Doc from Hokkaido University, Japan (Mach, 2022-Glaciology)

PhD. Environmental Science Hokkaido University, Japan (Mach, 2020-Glaciology)

MS by Research in Glaciology, Kathmandu University, Nepal (August,2014)

MSc In Environmental Science, Tribhuvan University, Nepal (2009)

Current Research: Glacier lake and Glacier Lake outburst floods (GLOF) in HKH region

Interest: Glacio-hydrology, Cryospheric Hazard, Glacier Dynamics, Modelling

Mr. Rakesh Kayastha

PhD Candidate/Research Fellow

Education: MS by Research in Glaciology, Kathmandu University, Nepal

      M.Sc Environmental Science, Tribhuvan University, Nepal

Current Research: Assessment of hydrological response and glacier hazard of glacierized river basins of Nepalese Himalaya 

Interest: Glacio-hydrology, Glacier Hazard, Glacier Dynamics, Modelling

Mr. Dawa Tshering Sherpa

Research Assistant

Education: MS by Research in Glaciology, Kathmandu University, Nepal

Current Research: Impact on hydropower generation due to glacier variation Cryospheric hazards

Interest: Debris Covered Glaciers and its dynamics, Glacio-hydrology, Cryospheric Hazards, Modelling


Mark Williams (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA)

Ulyana Horodyskyj (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA)


 Past Researchers

Reeju Shrestha

Tenzing Chogyal Sherpa

Mohan Bahadur Chand

Bikas Bhattarai

Ahuti Shrestha 

Aastha Chettri

Sunil Kumar Pariyar

Research Fellows

Batch of 2017

Thesis: Spatial distribution of debris thickness from remote-sensing and modeling in Marsyangdi River basin, Nepal

Thesis: Assessment of ROR Hydropower potential in Tamor River basin, Nepal using Glacio-Hydrological Degree-day Model (GDM) and GIS

Thesis: Future Projection of Cryospheric and Hydrological Regimes in Koshi River Basin, Central Himalaya using Coupled Glacier Dynamics and Glacio-hydrological Models 

Thesis: Glacial lakes outburst flood (GLOF) modelling of Thulagi and Lower Barun Glacial Lakes of Nepalese Himalaya

Batch of 2016

Thesis: Glacier ice thickness estimation of Tamor, Dudhkoshi and Marshyangdi Basins, Nepal using surface velocity

Thesis: Mass and energy balance estimation of Yala Glacier, Langtang Valley, Rasuwa, Nepal

Thesis: Effect of debris on seasonal ice melt (2016-2018) on Ponkar Glacier, Manang, Nepal

Batch of 2015

Thesis: Geomorphological mapping of Ponkar Glacier and sediment load study of its outlet in Manang, Nepal

Thesis: Comparison of hydrological regime of glacierized Marsyangdi and Tamor River basins of Nepal

Thesis: Characteristics of black carbon aerosol in the Himalayas: A case stud from Langtang region, Nepal

Thesis: Modelling ice thickness distribution of Himalayan glaciers using the principle of shallow ice approximation

Thesis: Understanding hydrological dynamics of Langtang River Catchment, Rasuwa, Nepal by using J2000 hydrological model

Batch of 2014

Thesis: Application of SPHY Model for understanding the hydrological regime of Tamor River, Nepal

Thesis: Snow-cover modelling of Langtang River catchment, Nepal using seNorge Model

Thesis: Study of supraglacial debris properties and its influence on ice melting of Pangri Glacier, Manang, Nepal

Thesis: Estimation of discharge from Gilgit River basin, Karakoram, Pakistan using a glacio-hydrological model 

Thesis: Predictions of future hydrological conditions and contribution of snow and ice melt in total discharge of Shigar River basin, central Karakoram, Pakistan

Thesis: Summer (2013 & 2014) energy and mass balance study of Yala Glacier in Nepal 

Thesis: Snow and ice melt contribution to discharge from glacierized Hunza River basin, Karakoram, Pakistan

Thesis: Modelling glacier ice thickness distribution and bed topography of Hidden Valley, Mustang, Nepal using Glabtop Model

Batch of 2013

Thesis: Application of Temperature Index Model in for estimating daily discharge of the Sangda River basin, Mustang, Nepal

Thesis: Application of GlabTop Model for estimating ice thickness and bed topography of the Everest Region, Nepal

Thesis: Estimating the spatial distribution of debris thickness using Landsat image and its influence on ice melting of Lirung Glacier, Nepal

Thesis: Mass and energy balance studies of glaciers in Khumbu area

Thesis: Reconstruction of annual mass balance of Rikha Samba Glacier, Nepal from 1995 to 2013 using Energy-Mass balance Model

Batch of 2012

Thesis: Modified temperature index model for estimating the melt water discharge from debris-covered Lirung Glacier, Langtang Valley, Nepal

Thesis: Estimation of discharge from the Upper Kabul River basin, Afghanistan using the Snowmelt Runoff Model

Thesis: Application of the Snowmelt Runoff Model in the Salang River basin, Afghanistan using MODIS Satellite data

Thesis: Study on glacier area change of Hidden Valley, Mustang, Nepal from 1980s to 2010 based on remote sensing

Thesis: Seasonal variation of ice melting and debris temperature profile on Lirung Glacier (2013-2014), Langtang Valley, Rasuwa, Nepal

Thesis: Study of mass balance of Rikha Samba Glacier (2011-2013), Hidden Valley, Mustang, Nepal

Batch of 2011

Thesis: Study of mass balance of Rikha Samba Glacier, Hidden Valley, Mustang, Nepal

Thesis: Estimation of discharge from Langtang River basin, Rasuwa, Nepal, using a glacio-hydrological model

Thesis: Preliminary Results of Mass Balance Observations of Yala Glacier and Analysis of Temperature and Precipitation Gradients in Langtang Valley, Nepal

Thesis: Influence of a debris layer on the melting of ice on a Himalayan Glacier: A case study on Lirung Glacier, Langtang Valley, Rasuwa, Nepal

Previous students who studied only one semester